2020 Letters

These letters are published in The Parish, our local church and community news magazine that serves as a traditional parish magazine but something more as it is equally geared towards the secular side of village life.

Copies are available in our churches and usually at the shop in Eppleby.

December 2020

A letter for December from Doreen Liston, our Lay Reader

November 2020 Letter

Revd Camilla's leeter for November 2020

October 2020

Rev Camilla's letter for October 2020 on the subject of healing

September 2020

From a Churchwarden - but is it?

August 2020

From the East Layton Chapel Warden

July 2020 Letter

The Vicar wites about music in lockdown

June 2020 Letter

A letter from John Hodges, Forcett Churchwarden

May 2020

A letter from Camilla for May 2020

April 2020

An Easter letter written as the restrictionswere being imposed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

March 2020

Observations from a Churchwarden in the Benefice

February Letter

This letter comes from Doreen Liston, the Licensed Reader in the benefice.

January 2020

Camilla's letter for the New Year

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